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International Medieval Congress

The Natural World

Leeds 2008


Auf dem International Medieval Congress 2008 in Leeds (7.-10. Juli 2008) waren die Projektmitglieder mit folgenden Sessions vertreten:

717 Between Encyclopaedia and Physiologus: The Literary Animal in between Zoology and Allegorical Interpretation, I - Texts
July 8, 2008 14.15-15.45

817 Between Encyclopaedia and Physiologus: The Literary Animal in between Zoology and Allegorical Interpretation, II - Animals
July 8, 2008 16.30-18.00

917 Animaliter - Animals in the Medieval Literature: An Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia Project - A Workshop
July 8, 2008 19.30-20.30

1519 Treatises on Hunting: The Textual Traditions
July 10, 2008 09.00-10.30


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